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How to Use AI Wireframe Wizard for

AI Wireframe Wizard - the innovative tool for transforming your user stories into visual wireframes on
This guide will walk you through installation, first-time usage, and provide helpful tips to get you started.


item view - view

Editing user stories

item view - edit
Installation Instructions

Ensure you have an active account.

  • 1.  Navigate to the Marketplace:   Go to the marketplace through your account.

  • 2.  Search for AI Wireframe Wizard:  Use the search function to find our app.

  • 3.  Install the App:  Click on the install button and follow the prompts to add the app to your workspace.

First-time Use Instructions

  • Accessing the App:  Once installed, AI Wireframe Wizard can be accessed directly from your workspace.

  • Using the App (Item View)
    • Step 1:  Choose a board where you want to use the app.

    • Step 2:  Open / create an item that will contain the wireframes.

    • Step 3:  Click on the 'Add View' button and select 'AI Wireframe Wizard' from the list.

    • Step 4:  Click on the created widget to add user stories.

    • Step 5:  Start inputting your user stories in the 'As a...', 'I want to...', 'So that...' fields.

    • Step 6:  Click "Generate Wireframes" when you are ready. (and after additional changes)

    • Step 7:  Close / click outside of the modal to update the preview view

  • Using the App (Dashboard Widget)
    • Step 1:  Choose a board where you want to use the app.

    • Step 2:  Open the dashboard you want to add the widget to.

    • Step 3:  Click on the '+ Add Widget' button and select 'AI Wireframe Wizard' from the list. (or find it in "More Widgets")

    • Step 4:  Click on the created widget inside your dashboard.

    • Step 5:  Start inputting your user stories in the 'As a...', 'I want to...', 'So that...' fields.

    • Step 6:  Click "Generate Wireframes" when you are ready. (and after additional changes)

    • Step 7:  Close / click outside of the modal to update the preview view

Building Blocks

  • Dashboard Widget:  Use AI Wireframe Wizard as a widget on your dashboard for quick access.

  • Item View:  Integrate the app within your item view for detailed project management.

Usage Examples

  • For Project Managers:  Create wireframes based on project requirements.

  • For UI/UX Designers:  Visualize user interface designs quickly.

  • For Brainstorming Sessions:  Facilitate idea visualization and team collaboration in real-time.

  • During Sprint Planning:  Quickly draft and iterate on app screen layouts to align with sprint goals.

Support and Assistance

For any questions or support, please contact us.

Want to e-meet us? book a meeting with us.