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AI Beyond Chat

AI co-pilot that helps you
achieve your business goals
chat experience
pthai experience

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Pth.AI is an AI-powered tool that expertly guides professional business users towards their goals by asking questions and creating steps, making it easier to interact with AI systems.


  • Guided domain exploration
  • Drill-down without losing context
  • AI-context always relevant and in memory
  • Perfect for product managers, salespeople, marketers, founders, developers, freelancers, job seekers, and more

How it works?

Discover how Pth.AI uses AI algorithms to help you achieve your goals


Set a Goal

Define your objective


Personalized Action Plan

Get personalized recommendations based on your preferences and progress


Collaborative Goal Achievement

Answer questions and get personalized recommendations to achieve your objectives


Achieve Your Goals with Confidence

Gain insights and take action towards your goals with the help of Pth.AI

Key Features

Tailored for Non-Experts
Personalized Recommendations
